* Consultations on Spherical thinking and Synergy
* Consultations on Creative thinking outside the box -
*Invite us to Play with
*Invite us to bring the Play
Invitation to planting treeships |
Fuller Feedback Systems consulting for organizations and education systems that would like to realign their strategy back to the nature
Story of the Spheres
Fuller Feedback Systems' Struppi will share their Story of the Spheres, introducing the Way of the Spheres and the basic Structures of Spacetime that allow for spherical thinking." When we open our Creativity and sense of ourselves in this world -when we understand that the structure we have been living within is not aligned with the rest of nature - and when we get back to it -we come back to the heart of it- we can move together forward to the true structure of the rest of nature and it is Dynamic.
Get back to Wonder and Play - Revive - Release - Reweave
Creative consultations for people wanting to come back to their nature.
Creative consultations for people wanting to come back to their nature.
Fuller Moonday - a place to gather around all things spherical thinking - we look into the way of the spheres and we offer fuller feedback to those who are present.
Revive - Unleash your Creativity - in Nature
with Stefanie (6-8am) //
Local * Tam Valley / Mill Valley /
Bubblescape Experiences - Magical at night -soap bubbles
with Stefanie (6-8am) //
Local * Tam Valley / Mill Valley /
Bubblescape Experiences - Magical at night -soap bubbles